Case presentation -2

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here, we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs

 A 60 yr old male presented to opd with chief complaint of shortness of breath and bilateral pedal edema.

History of present illness :patient has a history of coronary artery disease in January and was diagnosed to be having myocardial infraction.

History of past illness:patient was diagnosed with diabetes 2yrs ago and has a history of loss of consciousness while going to washroom.he was on irregular medication and stoped as sugar levels were normal . again he started regular medication since 5 yrs .patient is also a known case of hypertension and chronic renal failure.

Personal history:he is married . patients follows a mixed diet with normal apatite.he is suffering from constipation and micturition is normal.patient has adequate sleep.he has no allergy to known drugs . He consumes alcohol occasionally (90-180ml) from age of 20 yrs and stopped it 8months back.

Family history:patient father was a known case of kidney failure.

General examination:patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative.moderately built and nourished.bilateral pedal edema and pallor are seen .no cyanosis .no icterus.

Vitals:.    PR:92beats/min


                 BP:130/80mm of hg




Systemic examination:

CVS:chest wall is bilaterally symmetric,no precordial bulge,no thrills,no cardiac murmurs.

JVP- normal,,S1 and S2 are heard

Respiratory system: dyspnoea-yes;wheeze-no

Position of trachea-central,breath sounds-vesicular, adventitious sound- rales

Abdomen:shape of abdomen-obese,no bruits,no tenderness,no palpable mass,no free fluid,bowel sounds- yes,hernial orifices- normal

CNS:speech -normal,patient is conscious,no signs of meningeal infection, reflexes are normal.


Provisional diagnosis:chronic renal failure and coronary artery disease-1yr back

Treatment :    inj:lasix. 40mg IV stat

                         Tab:ecospirin.  75mg.  OD

                          Tab:amlong.   50mg.   OD

                          Tab:vidagliptin.  50 mg.   OD

                          Tab:pan      40 mg.    BBF

                          Syp:lactulose.  10ml.  TID


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